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We found 3 property(s) related to verticas residences
KLC 01030

Guide Price RM2,224,200

Bukit Bintang

Verticas Bukit Ceylon for Sale

T-B 2022 sf T-B3 Verticas Residences Kuala Lumpur for Sale

MM2H MM2H ELIGIBLE Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 4 Car Parks 2 Home Loan HOME LOAN

KLC 01030

KLC 01029

Guide Price RM3,070,100

Bukit Bintang

Verticas KL for Sale

T-B 2791 sf T-C3s Verticas Residensi Bukit Ceylon for Sale

MM2H MM2H ELIGIBLE Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 5 Car Parks 2 Home Loan HOME LOAN

KLC 01029

KLC 01028

Guide Price RM1,644,500

Bukit Bintang

Verticas Residensi for Sale

T-B 1495 sf T-A3 Verticas Wing Tai Asia KL for Sale

MM2H MM2H ELIGIBLE Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Car Parks 2 Home Loan HOME LOAN

KLC 01028